Saturday, December 5, 2015


In Hamburg I had some time to aimlessly wander without anybody while the rest of my group went to an attraction I had already been to . I decided to follow the pier to wherever it would take me and see if I didn't end up at the fish market. While strolling about I came across what looked like a submarine in the distance. When one sees a submarine, one tends to get closer to further inspect.
It turns out it was a museum...with access to the submarine. Whipping out my student I.D in record time, I quickly bought a ticket from the lady at the counter and prepared to be amazed. I'm a huge fan of the movie "Das Boot", so seeing a U-Boat in the Fatherland Germany was really epic. There were also no other tourists there so I had unrestricted access to the boat.

I will not be ashamed, I had visions of the movie plying through my head the whole time. I may have even whispered ACHTUNG a few times.

Das Boot. 

Also Das Boot. 

The ship itself was amazing. I had no idea how cramped they are. I'm pretty convinced that a tour on one would leave me with a disfigured spine. 

"Okay, not too bad. Kind of annoying"

This is the second nicest galley on the ship. It's meant for noncoms. Seriously. 

I geeked out so hard here. 


Torpedo room. Nice and comfy. Pretty sure there were a few beds in here. 

All in all, I'd give it a ten out of ten. I can imagine it would have sucked if you weren't at all interested. It is so far the only tour I have ever been on that required me to lift my body weight and crawl in order to get into the different rooms. 

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