Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Packing list

In terms of packing, I'm pretty much set. The anguish of waiting to actually go now is taking it's toll. The other day I took a picture of the non-clothing stuff I am going to bring with  me. It does appear that I'm missing some stuff or have to much in some cases, so please understand this is subject to change. After rereading that sentence I have realized I now have to justify things to anonymous internet people. Dear God, I'm one of those types.

Anyway, here's the picture. I want to take another one right before I leave too with the completed full pack list. 

At the moment I'm sitting in my kitchen ripping a bunch of CD's onto the laptop I'm bringing with. Being the poor, non college educated person I am, I ransacked my parents collection. They've actually got some good stuff. I found a weird looking album in my dad's collection by a band called the "Squirrel Nut Zippers". I had no idea my dad was such a hep cat. Listening to this rendition of New Orleans jazz done by white people in the nineties made me ponder on whether or not my parents were hipsters. If that's the case, Is hipsterism indeed genetic? These are the important questions I must find the answer to. 

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