Saturday, December 5, 2015


Yesterday I woke up with full intentions to go to Copenhagen and begin my adventures in Scandinavia. That plan fell through when I looked at the hostel prices and booking fees for my trains. So, in about ten minutes I picked Prague sort of randomly and just...went there.
It wasn't a bad decision at all.
Prague is Beautiful.
When people talk about going to Europe they always say Prague. Like seriously I think most people told me that when I was preparing to leave. I had always kind of felt that it was maybe too touristy or something of that nature. It is actually tourist central, I won't lie it's terrible. But It doesn't matter when the whole town looks like a fairy tale. So, without further stalling, have some pictures. You've been good. You deserve them.

The whole city is just gorgeous. 

Got hot chocolate. Was actually just melted chocolate. Was not disappointed.

What eastern European city is complete without a mirror maze?

More Prague. This time river style. 

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